Quebedeaux Family
This beautiful family is from Lafayette, LA and have 4 beautiful babies. On July 17th, life as they knew it changed and stopped them in their tracks. Their sweet and spunky 3 year old hadn't been herself and so they decided to bring her to the local ER after discovering a lump near her shoulder during bath time. After running many teststhey were told that their sweet girl has Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Without hesitation, they decided to uproot their entire lives and move to Memphis, TN in order to seek the best care for her at St. Jude Children Research Hospital. This has been one of the hardest, yet most humbling journeys, as they are not only watching Emmy fight for her life day in and day out, but also an entire community behind her, fighting with and for her too. They have been taking it day by day, sometimes minute by minute, and believe in walking completely by faith, and not by sight. There are two links listed- they will be in the hospital doing a bone marrow transplant over Christmas so one list is shipping to the hospital, and the other list is for the 3 kids staying at home with family. Please click on their Amazon Wishlist links and purchase items for their Christmas!