Kaufmann Family
On December 9th, 2022, this darling 3 yr. old got strep throat and after 3 rounds of antibiotics and a steroid, he just wasn’t getting better. He was slowly declining and eventually was not wanting to walk. After much persistence from mama that led to 3 ER visits at different hospitals, he was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma (cancer). Since diagnosis, he has had 5 rounds of chemo, 2 stem cell transplants, 12 days of radiation, multiple procedures, tests, far too many days away from his sisters (truly the list goes on, unfortunately). He is now doing immunotherapy and will continue for 6 months. Overall he’s doing okay. He is their happy and loving boy, who tries to keep up and be a 3 year old but he does tire easily. They have spent so many days away from their girls, it’s been a challenging journey with a long road ahead.